I hadn’t thought much about using it after the initial novelty wore off … that is, I hadn’t thought much about it until my friend texted me. It’s good for plastering a photo of your face with tinier pictures of your face (you can make the stickers as large or as small as you like) to create whimsical, slightly narcissistic mosaics. Snapchat’s scissor tool, which has been available since December, allows you to cut out portions of an image from a photo to create paste-able stickers. They use the Snapchat cut-out tool on their dicks, and paste it on top to make their dicks look bigger.”
What habits and customs are the native inhabitants of the digital world adopting? What new cultural products are they creating? What is the status of the dick pic in 2017? So, naturally, I was fascinated to hear this from a friend: “My brother told me a trick teen boys do in their sexts. We at Select All love to hear about the weird and wild ways that teenagers and young people are putting social media to use.